Opportunity Sri Lanka | » Sri Lanka’s hospitals sets pace to new era with Lanka Hospital’s luxurious world class wing
Sri Lanka’s hospitals sets pace to new era with Lanka Hospital’s luxurious world class wing

Sri Lanka’s hospitals sets pace to new era with Lanka Hospital’s luxurious world class wing

Lanka Hospitals PLC in Sri Lanka has reportedly announced the latest score in its advancement in world-class hospital service standards by offering an unparalleled luxurious experience in hospital-stays for local patients as well for those coming from around the globe. The hospital has recently unveiled its multi-million-rupee, luxury hospital wing.
According to local media reports, the state-of-the-art new luxury facility, known as the ‘7C Wing’ is to be managed exclusively by trained medical and nursing staff, equipped with modern facilities and medical technology.

The new ‘staycation’ style wing houses an expansive environment, with elevated levels of comfort and sumptuous features that caters to patients and visitors with a wide range of needs and likes. The five-star healthcare facilities that would cater to a mix of local patients and medical tourists provides not only a holistic healing experience but also diagnostics convenience with the 7C Wing being located adjacent to the hospital laboratory, local media reports stated.

Commenting on the recent launch, Lanka Hospitals Group CEO Deepthi Lokuarachchi has reportedly said, “In order to compete effectively, Lanka Hospitals has boldly set pace to move up the value chain, place greater focus on developing our capabilities, complex procedures and provide an overall superior patient experience through greater service standards. Our new wing has been designed to replicate the comfort and luxury experienced in the best hotels and will help re-affirm our reputation as the facility of choice.”

“Lanka Hospitals continues to attract both local and international patients who come to us for more complex medical procedures, due to our reputation for high quality of clinical care. For a more all-encompassing process in the recovery for patients, we have endeavoured to meet their penchant for details and the environment we have created aims to help patients forget that they are in a hospital,” he has added.
Lanka Hospitals reportedly carries a proud legacy in unmatched patient care since 2002 with special focus on infection control measures during the recent pandemic.
Despite global travel restrictions, the hospital has witnessed a substantial growth in the inflow of medical tourists, which can be attributed to the hospital’s continuous efforts to adhere to the highest safety standards and high-quality care in line with international requirements.

Lanka Hospitals also provides distinctive services to diplomatic missions, resident foreign nationals and medical tourists, especially to Maldivian visitors.

OSL take:

Sri Lanka’s health sector, especially the private health sector, has been engaged in developing the industry in a bid to offer services to foreign clientele as a medical/retreat package. The country’s health authorities along with the tourism industry are also promoting wellness tourism. Sri Lanka’s geographical positioning aided by many other attributes have made it a business hub in the South Asian region while also being listed as a must visit tourist destination. All this has expanded business/investment opportunities in Sri Lanka’s tourism and health opportunities.

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