Sale Of Heavy Mineral Sands International Competitive Bidding
Lanka Mineral Sands limited invites bids from foreign parties to buy following minerals Rutile/Illmenite/NMHMC/LGZC
Lanka Mineral Sands limited invites bids from foreign parties to buy following minerals Rutile/Illmenite/NMHMC/LGZC
Environmental Impact Assessment for Mahaweli Left Bank Lower Basin Development Project in Trincomalee District (Kinniya and Kanthale Area)
Extension and Improvements to the Existing Finance Unit of the Administrative Office Building at Wathupitiwala EPZ.
European Union’s Foreign and Trade Ministers Council has provided approval towards granting Generalised System of Preference Plus (GSP +) concession to Sri Lanka
Finance ministry has postponed the proposed abolition of the SVAT system due to come into play on April 1 of 2017.