Opportunity Sri Lanka | » Sri Lanka’s Colombo Dockyard delivers two pilot launches to Sri Lanka Ports Authority
Sri Lanka’s Colombo Dockyard delivers two pilot launches to Sri Lanka Ports Authority

Sri Lanka’s Colombo Dockyard delivers two pilot launches to Sri Lanka Ports Authority

Colombo Dockyard PLC (CDPLC) of Sri Lanka, which has been the front runner of Sri Lankan industrialization, has reportedly delivered two pilot launches last month to the Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) in line with an agreement reached with the authority.
The handing over ceremony was graced by Sri Lanka’s Roads and Highways and Ports and Shipping Minister Johnston Fernando, State Minister of Ports and Shipping Kanaka Herath, Ministry of Roads and Highways and Ports and Shipping Secretary M.M.P.K. Mayadunne, State Ministry of Ports and Shipping Secretary M.P.V.P. Piyathilake, SLPA Chairman Gen. R.M. Daya Ratnayake, SLPA Managing Director Capt. Athula Hewavitharana, SLPA Harbour Master Capt. Nirmal Silva, Senior Surveyor Class LR Jagath Kumara and several other distinguished guests from SLPA.
CDPLC Chairman H. Tanaka, CDPLC MD/CEO D.V. Abeysinghe, CDPLC Director K. Kanaya, CDPLC Technical Advisor Yusihiro Saki and a host of other senior management and staff has represented Colombo Dockyard participated at this momentous occasion.
According to reports, these pilot launches were designed by MACDUFF Ship Design Ltd. of Scotland and the pilot launches are to be used to transport pilots from shore to ship. It can accommodate a total number of eight persons including four crew members and four pilots and it can achieve a service speed of 22 knots.
These pilot launches are designed to hold a high degree of stability and comfort in all weather conditions and these pilot launches will provide a stable platform during embarking and disembarking pilots and these launches are equipped with state-of-the-art machinery and equipment developed for this type of launches worldwide, which are of proven type with high dependability, durability and suitability for the intended purpose, the local media has reported.
CDPLC operates in joint collaboration with Onomichi Dockyard Company Ltd. of Japan who owns a stake of 51% at Colombo Dockyard, while the Sri Lankan government institutions have a 35% shareholding at Colombo Dockyard.
Reports further states that as a local venture, CDPLC generates a large number of direct and indirect employment opportunities and currently employees over 3,000 Sri Lankan engineers and technicians and assist in developing the skills and technical knowhow of the local workmen and help save on valuable foreign exchange.

OSL take:

The handing over of two pilot launches to the SLPA by Colombo Dockyard is indicative of the strength and growth of the country’s business institutions. The technological advancement of local companies is an encouraging sign for foreign businesses to explore business/investment opportunities in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka’s geographical positioning in the Indian Ocean, the ease of doing business environment in the country and the many trade agreements as well as trade concessions enjoyed by the country have made it an attractive business destination in the South Asian region.

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