Opportunity Sri Lanka | » Sri Lankan government has last week sold Rs. 90 billion of five and 10 year bonds
Sri Lankan government has last week sold Rs. 90 billion of five and 10 year bonds

Sri Lankan government has last week sold Rs. 90 billion of five and 10 year bonds

Sri Lanka’s state debt office has reportedly stated that Sri Lanka has sold Rs. 90 billion of five and 10 year bonds at an auction last week.
The debt office has accordingly sold Rs. 50 billion of four year, nine month bonds at a weighted average yield of 10.51 percent, after offering the same amount.
Similar bonds were quoted at 10.42/50 levels are the auction and at 10.40/48 percent levels before the auction, dealers have been quoted as saying in a local media report, indicating that the auction was conducted close to the market.
The debt office has also sold Rs. 40 billion of nine-year nine-month bonds maturing on 15.05.2028 at an average yield of 10.72 percent, the media report also noted.
A close maturity of 01.09.2028 was quoted at around 10.58/78 percent, dealers said.
The auction has to be settled on June 01, 2028., the media report further noted.
An estimated Rs. 90 billion of bonds were maturing on that date and about 20 billion in coupon payments, the report has further added.

OSL take:

The sale of such bonds and the continuously growing economic indicators of the country would make Sri Lanka an ideal investment opportunity.

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