Opportunity Sri Lanka | » Sri Lanka launches latest national branding ‘Ceylon Spices’ to boost local spice exports
Sri Lanka launches latest national branding ‘Ceylon Spices’ to boost local spice exports

Sri Lanka launches latest national branding ‘Ceylon Spices’ to boost local spice exports

Sri Lanka has launched its latest national branding for the country’s spice sector in the name of ‘Ceylon Spices’, which the Sri Lankan government believes would help country achieve an export target of US$ 880 million from the ‘Spices and Concentrates’ sector by 2022.
The brand was officially unveiled by Sri Lanka’s Development Strategies and International Trade Minister Malik Samarawickrama in collaboration with the country’s Export Development Board (EDB).
The new trademark is expected to support growers, processors, and manufacturers of spices by helping them clearly identify their products as Sri Lankan-made and also inform customers and consumers that all significant parts, produce, processing, and products are of genuine Sri Lankan origin.
Cinnamon, pepper, clove, nutmeg, mace and cardamom are to be covered under the ‘Ceylon Spices’ master brand.
Speaking at the launch, Minister Samarawickrama has been quoted as saying that the government has recognised it was important to follow a ‘Master Brand’ approach for collective promotion of ‘Ceylon Spices’, rather than promoting them individually.
“Our export development plans are anchored by the National Export Strategy (NES) being implemented since last year. One of the NES priority sectors is Spices and Concentrates, and one of the strategic objectives identified is to become globally recognised as an innovative player in the value-added spice market. Branding of spices is a ‘priority action item’ in the NES to achieve a set export target of $ 880 million from the ‘Spices and Concentrates’ sector by 2022,” the Minister has said.
He has pointed out that Sri Lanka must also have a consistent branding story running across all its brands.
“Our brands and products coming from Sri Lanka must be known for a commitment to high quality, high ethical standards, and strong environment sustainability credentials. That will be our unique differentiator in an age where consumers are seeking authenticity, traceability, and quality,” Samarawickrama has said.
Noting that the government’s policy is to encourage greater value addition, and greater value capture here in Sri Lanka moving away from commodity exports, Samarawickarama has noted that as a country with a good agricultural base, Sri Lanka must now move into adjacent sectors like food processing, flavours, extracts and essences for the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry, and food-related products for the health and wellness industry.
Market diversification and product differentiation through strong branding campaigns and consumer awareness of Ceylon Cinnamon, Ceylon Pepper and other Spices in high-end markets such as Europe, the US, Japan, and the Gulf region was highlighted as a vital strategy to be competitive in the international market and capture greater value right here in Sri Lanka.

OSL take:

Sri Lankan authorities are engaged in a programme to uplift the country’s exports sector, especially the local spice exports. The launch of the ‘Ceylon Spice’ national brand would result in giving a boost to the local spice export market. Sri Lanka’s overall exports sector has been recording a continuous growth in the past few years. Sri Lanka’s geographical positioning in the Indian Ocean region, the many trade agreements as well as the trade concessions enjoyed by the country have helped the island’s exports sector. It is an emerging business opportunity in the country that could be explored by foreign businesses as well.

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