About Us
Opportunity Sri Lanka is a full-fledged business matchmaker and a business consultancy with decades of experience. We provide a full range of services for persons interested in pursuing investment and business opportunities in Sri Lanka and other parts of the world. Our decades of experience place us in a unique position to provide you, a one stop solution to all your business and investment needs with professionalism, transparency and accountability.
Opportunity Sri Lanka also provide a range of PRO services such lobbying, business registration, legal service, customs and taxation advice, licensing as well as consultancy on immigration and emigration services.
Our range of services has the full backing of our local and foreign experts as well as many worldwide partners who work hand in hand with us to tailor and provide a service that is unmatched in quality.
We welcome investors who are looking for business opportunities in Sri Lanka, expat Sri Lankans seeking an opportunity to invest in Sri Lanka and entrepreneurs who are looking to fund their ventures.
We encourage anyone interested to use this as a portal of information and to reach out to us for any assistance.
Our Vision
To be the most preferred, premiere business institution for cross-border transactions.
Our Mission
Build an extensive and an effective global business network while showcasing the most sought after, engagement-worthy, viable and bankable inventory of opportunities, by the application of world class standards
What We do
We consider our expertise on the business sector over the years to be a valuable asset to any potential investor looking for Investment opportunities in Sri Lanka, from foreign direct investments to Investment banking. Our team consists of some of the top experts in the sector who combined, form a complete business consultancy.
We aim to help investors by offering detailed analysis of various business opportunities in Sri Lanka which will include not just the information that will be available publicly. The difference that investors will find on Opportunity Sri Lanka is that every investment opportunity will include analysis on investment climate of that particular industry, the latest development of the sector, how government policy will affect such industry as well as the take of our team of experts on the risk versus reward aspects on each opportunity listed. Furthermore, an investor or any person who wishes to obtain information on such opportunities will find Opportunity Sri Lanka as a news and expert article portal to obtain comprehensive information on such areas.
Our team of experts comprise of some of the most renowned names in a wide range of sectors. Our expertise extends to Engineering, Legal, Technology, Finance, Energy, Construction, Banking and many more sectors.This provides anyone looking to use our expertise to be able to harness a comprehensive and extensive level of service from us. Also, through these experts you will be able to gather in depth understanding of the industries and overcome with ease any specific challenges that may be unique to such industries.
We also function as a provider of PRO services through which we aim to build lasting relationships with our partners by providing a world class service to enter and conduct businesses in Sri Lanka and beyond.
Why choose us
Choosing a business consultancy or a business matchmaker is a decision never to be taken lightly. Ours is a service which is equipped with the highest levels of expertise in various sectors both locally and worldwide. We possess decades of experience and We possess decades of experience and have grown to become an organization trusted by all our partners
With Opportunity Sri Lanka, you will find a team of experts who are both highly respected and skilled in their areas of expertise who will be at hand to guide your businesses and business information needs. Furthermore, there is also the specialty with Opportunity Sri Lanka where you are also able to have a cross industrial opinion on your business and information needs which will also help in identifying new opportunities and any challenges that may arise.
With Opportunity Sri Lanka you will receive the benefit of our experience, professionalism, accountability, our team of experts and the trust we have built and an interconnected partner network throughout the world. We invite you to contact us and explore how we can be of service to you.
How we can Help
We consider our expertise on the business sector over the years to be a valuable asset to any potential investor looking for Investment opportunities in Sri Lanka, from foreign direct investments to Investment banking. Our team consists of some of the top experts in the sector who combined, form a complete business consultancy.
We aim to help investors by offering detailed analysis of various business opportunities in Sri Lanka which will include not just the information that will be available publicly. The difference that investors will find on Opportunity Sri Lanka is that every investment opportunity will include analysis on investment climate of that particular industry, the latest development of the sector, how government policy will affect such industry as well as the take of our team of experts on the risk versus reward aspects on each opportunity listed. Furthermore, an investor or any person who wishes to obtain information on such opportunities will find Opportunity Sri Lanka as a news and expert article portal to obtain comprehensive information on such areas.
Our team of experts comprise of some of the most renowned names in a wide range of sectors. Our expertise extends to Engineering, Legal, Technology, Finance, Energy, Construction, Banking and many more sectors.This provides anyone looking to use our expertise to be able to harness a comprehensive and extensive level of service from us. Also, through these experts you will be able to gather in depth understanding of the industries and overcome with ease any specific challenges that may be unique to such industries.
We also function as a provider of PRO services through which we aim to build lasting relationships with our partners by providing a world class service to enter and conduct businesses in Sri Lanka and beyond.