Opportunity Sri Lanka | » Secretary General of UN commends Sri Lanka for office of missing persons
Secretary General of UN commends Sri Lanka for office of missing persons

Secretary General of UN commends Sri Lanka for office of missing persons

Sri Lankan administration has been able to successfully implement an Office of Missing Persons and UN Secretary-General António Guterres described that the initiative was a good one and said it is, “a significant milestone for all Sri Lankans still searching for the truth about their missing loved ones.”

He also added, ““The United Nations stands ready to support this process and the Secretary-General looks forward to the Office of Missing Persons becoming operational as soon as possible, starting with the appointment of independent commissioners.”
Establishing an Office of Missing persons has been one of the key criteria that was discussed at various lengths and forms a key cornerstone of good governance promises of the present government. The president signed the gazette for the office on the Office on Missing Persons on 20th of July 2017.

Sri Lanka has worked closely with the United Nations in ensuring human rights continue to be protected and the office of the missing persons was also a pledge given to the United Nations Human Rights Council. The office of the missing persons will have the power to investigate disappearances and help thousands of families who have faced missing a family member.


Repeated calls to ensure mechanisms of human rights protection and investigation of war time allegations has been one of the key issues Sri Lanka has faced globally. Although, this does not bear directly on the economy, many of Sri Lanka’s economic interests are tied with ensuring such mechanisms are effective and operational within the country.

Sri Lanka has faced loss of previously extended preference schemes due to noncompliance and as a result has suffered economically over the years. Also, due to failure in addressing such concerns to an effective degree, notable countries have on many occasions declared for resolutions against Sri Lanka. This has had a negative effect in investor confidence as the political, international and economic conditions have continued to be volatile.

The establishing of the Office of the Missing Persons is a step in the right direction and has served to quell many of the allegations of non-address of issues. With the OMP going some way to restore international confidence in the country, OSL expects this to have a positive effect on raising investor confidence as well as a stable political outlook on the long term.

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